The White Paper Suited Man – yhteistyössä unkarilaisen Góbi Rita Dance Companyn kanssa
Paper: we write on it, use it to display speech, to write down ideas, to save value – word flies away, writing remains
Esityksen teemat ja taiteellinen problematiikka:
Paper: we write on it, use it to display speech, to write down ideas, to save value – word flies away, writing remains
+ In the digital world, the former function is becoming less and less important
+ at the beginning of the printing technology paper was made of rags, clothes
+ we recycle it today as well: the milk box I drink from may have been a love letter in the past, or a secret file, a diary …
+ Guttenberg Galaxy: Refers to the stage in human cultural history in which the printed book played a prominent role as a medium of communication (from the 15th century to the present day). Book printing, the spread of the book, and later the teaching of literacy, which became commonplace, made it possible – in principle – for all people to have access to knowledge, works and achievements of science, art, news, everything that can be included in words and texts.
+ it’s a millennial technology
+ at the beginning of writing and printing it was accessible and interpretable only to a narrow, clerical group of people, – clerical works, state organization works were placed on it, very few could write, read
+ white, blank paper– purity, new beginning, ’clean sheet’, new chance, ’overwrite the past’
+ paper as a fragile material, tears, melts from water, ignites easily – as a clothing – as protective equipment – ineffective– beautiful but ostentatious
+ paper on which you can draw, color, create something colorful and multicolored from white
+ fragile material, but sharp edge, cut + rattles
Esityksessä käytetään monipuolisesti audio-visuaalisia elementtejä; videoprojisiointia, valo- ja ääniefektejä. Elävä musiikki on esityksessä oleellisessa roolissa.
Kohderyhmä: aikuiset
Esityksen pituus: 40 min.